I blame books for my restlessness.

Well, I would…except blame feel like such a strong word and I don’t feel sad about it. If you think about it, books don’t focus around a character that sits at home and watches TV all day. A book can be about the most active of lifestyles – good or bad

Photo credit: Olivia Bell Photography
Words: Daisy Simpson

I believe in an active mind, which leads me to live an active lifestyle. Some people think I may do too much, but I think that you never know what is too much until you reach that point. I’m not that person that only believes in saying yes, either. Know what you want – know what you don’t want, and commit.I’m not saying that if you don’t think you’ll enjoy something to not do it, but be realistic in your expectations. Be open in your willingness to try new things. This life is only what you make of it. If you say no to everything, what’s the point?

Last year, I made New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve made them before and disregarded them. Last year I wanted to do things differently. I didn’t commit to all of them, but I committed to all the ones I could. It doesn’t matter when you make your goal; it’s about discovering what you want and going after it. I like to plan, so for me it’s easiest when I designate tasks for each project. When I decided that I wanted to run, I signed up for Galloway and designated the time. When I decided to go back to school, I made study dates with myself.

These things aren’t easy. I have to admit that having goals and taking the time to do them requires a lot of sacrifice. Time is limited and when you’re focused there are things you give up. I think that overloading my plate has tested not only myself, but also those around me. I know I spread myself thin, but I’ve only learned what I can’t handle once I’ve reached a breaking point. In that point I’ve learned how to trust others and discovered my real friends.

Treat today like it’s the start of a new year. Open a book, become inspired, make a to do list (my favorite!) and get moving. Cross things off your list. You’ll only discover what you can’t do once you’ve tried.

About the Author:

Daisy Simpson is a avid book lover, baker, Apple user, and F1 racing fan. Her tweets are hilarious and a glimpse of how she is in real life. Find her on Twitter @DaisySimpson.


Dreams Empower Us

What gets you excited about life? How can you bring this out on a daily basis? Dream often to remind you of what you can achieve.

A dream can be a passion or hobby of yours that brings you enjoyment. Is it going to bring you income? Maybe, maybe not.

Encouraging others to find their purpose is something I get to do through my business. When I started doing this, I knew it all started with a dream to show me the possibilities of what was out there beyond what I could see.

Dreams empower us as we move forward in life. When the world tells you one thing, your determination will tell you something different. Our dreams give us a reason to look beyond what we currently see.

How can I help you achieve or discover your dreams?


If you LIKE my business page on Facebook, you will see a common thing happening on Fridays I call a “Friday Focus”. The topic varies by what you suggest or what comes to mind. My goal is to help YOU, the reader, to take away something valuable than you may not have considered before. If you want to contribute to an upcoming Friday Focus, please leave me a comment and we can make it happen.


A Mind in Motion Stays in Motion

I have heard my mom tell me that a body in motion stays in motion for as long as I can remember. After not giving my mom enough credit, I started a new workout routine that involves running. I loathe running. Running is the most painful thing I can put my body though an extended period. Trust me, I have done the HIIT/Bootcamp/CrossFit training before, but running is a whole new ball game. After a few weeks of hitting the pavement, I must say it is finally getting easier to go the distance.

So what does all this have to do with the mind? I decided to use the same logic for my business goals. It’s one thing to write them down and “work” on them throughout the year while it’s another to start reaching them. Once I sent out my first proposal of the year, I was looking forward to sending out my second. Success doesn’t come overnight, but the mentality you have to keep moving gets you there.

Mind - Motion

Today, right now, are you happy with where you are in life? What needs to change? Do it.

Got an excuse?

Tell it to someone who is in the same boat as you and you won’t grow.

Tell it to someone who was once where you were and they will encourage you today is the day to make a change.

Here are some practical ways to keep your mind in motion:

  • Define success. What is the vision you have when you reach your goal? Describe as if it were today.
  • Make a plan to get there. Take steps, sometimes it takes one day at a time but keep moving.
  • Reward yourself. When you take a step further than you were yesterday, reward yourself without taking a step back.
  • Share results with your peers. It is only fair to share with your peers when you fail and succeed.
  • Ask for an accountability partner. This is the push you need when your mind is battling the old-thinking and new-thinking.
  • Encourage others. When you encourage others, it is a self-motivator to keep going yourself to be an example. It is not a pride thing, but a sense of respect others may have toward you.
  • Find a mentor. Invest time with him or her to help you grow in the areas you are not able to on your own.

If you LIKE my business page on Facebook, you will see a common thing happening on Fridays I call a “Friday Focus”. The topic varies by what you suggest or what comes to mind. My goal is to help YOU, the reader, to take away something valuable than you may not have considered before.

My Three Words in 2014

Inspired by Chris Brogan in 2013, I decided to carry it on another year. These three words are suppose to shape your goals, resolution, and direction for the upcoming year. In the past, I have encouraged myself with:

Yes I Can.

I Will Learn.

I am Me.

I Will Live.

I have evolved my business and my life since then and continue to move forward with these three words:

Divide. Separate your life into divisions of responsibilities and priorities. Make a list of what is important and isn’t. When you divide your life into categories to see where you are spending most of your time and where you aren’t.

And. You maybe thinking I should have found a more profound word here, but hear me out. The word “and” leaves room for something more. When I finish my to do list, I feel accomplished “and” I need to reward myself. For every action I take, I need to react accordingly. The word “And” reminds me to seek balance in all that I do.

Conquer. Don’t put off what seems impossible. Start small to get closer to your goals. When you see progress it acts as a motivator driving you toward the finish line. Conquer what seems impossible today because tomorrow is a whole new battle.

What are your three words in 2014?

5 Areas to Grow in 2014

As I sit down to write out my 2014 goals, it is hard to fathom where the last 365 days have gone. Instead of worrying of what didn’t get done in 2014, I am looking forward to what a new year may bring for me and my business. Like my friend Daisy had said, “In 2014, I’m working on changes.” As I grow in the different areas of my life, change will happen for the better.

2014 GoalsRTC (as a(n) business/entrepreneur)

  1. Plan ahead better
  2. Blog to share my voice and be heard
  3. Be confident in my strengths
  4. Do not be afraid of change
  5. Network more

@IamRachalT (personal life)

  1. Disconnect from “everything” once in a while
  2. Read one “business/inspiring/just because” book a month
  3. Exercise 5X/week
  4. Let IT be
  5. “Be fully present where you are” 1000Gifts


  1. Tithe consistently
  2. Pray over the specific desires of my heart
  3. Pray for others
  4. Be available to serve and give back
  5. Reach out when I need a LIFT

Family + Rob

  1. Call/Skype those who aren’t local
  2. Make date night important
  3. Make family night important
  4. Include them in achievements and ask about theirs
  5. Stay connected offline more than online


  1. Be social, more
  2. Say ‘yes’ more
  3. Be available
  4. Stay connected offline more than online
  5. Make lunch/coffee meet-ups dates important

What are your 2014 resolutions? What goals do you want to achieve? How can I help?

Words from Steve

Words From Steve

Source credit: Steve Gutzler & Leadership Quest | Design: RT Consulting

What motivates you?

What inspires you?

How can these be transferred into goals?

How can your goals bring you closer to living out your dreams?

Questions like this are hard to answer all at once. Through the wisdom and direction from a friend and life coach, Steve Gutzler, have helped me shape my thinking into positive action. Through Steve and The Leadership Quest, I have been given the power to go after what tomorrow may bring.

I had tried to ask Steve some questions for this post, but graciously enough he said he was grateful for the gesture and proceeded to encourage me. That is the type of leader Steve is–he’s the real deal!

Some of my words from some of Steve’s exercises:

Move forward with direction to bring you closer to achieving your goals. With each step, you have a choice to either move forward or move back. Faith is what pushes you further even when you do not have it all figured out, but know you are getting closer to living out your dreams.

If you want to go fast, go by yourself. If you want to go far, go with others. -Anonymous