Life Prepares You for the Journey

Happy New Year!

I realized something over the holidays, life works itself out. What I do at RT Consulting is specialize in marketing plans, which requires me to forecast months and quarters ahead for client goals. When the holidays were “planned”, my role slows down as business carries on. Through the holiday, I realized life prepares you for the journey.

One day I was working in the morning and had a play date with my nephew in the afternoon. The plan was to get work done early, play in the afternoon, his mom (my sister) pick him up, and get more work done. Easy enough.

We went to the playground and I brought a pen and notebook to write my thoughts as I had one eye on him. After a few minutes of writing, I found myself playing “monster” on the playground with him and the other kids. When I got tired, I sat down and soaked in the atmosphere. Another parent got of his phone and he started where I left off. It was a magical experience.

When it was time to leave, my nephew asked me to carry him on my back. He is six and over 40 pounds. Sure he could have walked, but I’m his favorite aunt and I know he is young only a short while. I carried him home a mile away. It wasn’t easy but it made his day.

Life - Journey

Fast forward to today. I was leaving a client’s office when I was asked to take some equipment out of the office for an event. I had to carry it to my car. Guess what? The equipment was actually lighter than my nephew, which made the process easier.

During another client meeting I was asked what my resolutions were for 2015. When I was at the park the day before, I wrote down:

Be present – focus on what is in front of you

Be proactive – step out of your comfort zone and unwind when it is time

Be prayerful – find peace in between the now and not yet

as my focus for the upcoming year. My writing has turned into action and shaped my meeting with campus leader and friend, Sarah Greenwald.

I was prayerful prior to our meeting and definitely present with her in the time we spent together. We shared stories since we last met and it was great. I wasn’t “clock watching” or worried about my next meeting. It was great to be in the moment with her.

What does all this have to do with life and our individual journeys?

Maybe we are supposed to go after what our heart desires until we find peace. Keep searching for what brings value to you and your purpose. Peace brings the assurance that propels our path for what lies ahead. It is the process from searching from within that prepares us for the world. We may not have all the answers or timelines figures out, but what we face today prepares us for the journey for what lies ahead.



Learning to Love the Process


With the new year approaching, I have been reflecting on the current year and setting new goals. If you have been reading my blog or know me, often I have a problem with waiting. It’s ironic how I can have all the patience in the world with my clients and customers, but when it comes to my own circumstance I have close to none. How can this be possible?

I realized through readings from author, Rick Warren and words from a business and life coach, I am not trusting the process. My impatience is not a sign of immaturity but rather an ability to see the outcome before I take one step. Read that again.

It is easier to be patient with my clients and customers because the process is the same. The story or problem might the same but it is presented to me from different people over and over again. It is my job to fix it and make things right.

When it comes to my business or personal growth, the process is foreign to me. I don’t have all the steps figured out quite yet. I am learning as I go along, which may be a good or bad thing — I’m not sure yet. With this revelation, I am determined to stick with it. I need to trust more, doubt less, and eventually I’ll learn to love the process.

How did you develop a process for yourself?

2012: A Fresh Start

In 2011, I remember

  • graduating from college.
  • buying a newer car.
  • being tested to move forward in faith and lead.
  • started a “life-style change” that has transformed my outlook on health.
  • I reconnected with friends.
  • God’s plan is always better than my own.
  • the pain I felt one day would bring me peace on another day.
  • finding hearts of God’s love and using them as a testimony.
  • speaking with grace and standing up for what I believe in.
  • practicing humility to diminish my pride.


In 2012, I…

will make time for the important things and put off the unimportant things for another day.

will seek God more instead of running in circles of doubt.

will live with no regrets.

will listen more.

will use my voice to speak for those who have gone unheard.

will get my passport and travel.

will organize my own garage sale.

want to think of others before myself.

want to sing karaoke sober.

want to meet new people and bring them hope.

want to inspire others.

want to live without fear.

want to be someone’s mentor as I search for my own.

want to give my time to those in need.