Life Begins When You Let Go

Forgive me for repeating another quote we have all heard before, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” but it’s true. If you saw my last post about scheduling appointments with the app Cue, I went to a networking event for the Jacksonville Digital Marketing Meetup (#JaxDMM). By committing myself to go made me a nervous wreck. Why? Because…

I’m an introvert.
I am one of the youngest people doing what I do.
sometimes I let fear hold me back.
I forget these are the exciting times in life.

For all these reasons and many more, I realized these are all areas I feel outside my comfort zone. Guess what? I danced outside bubble of feeling safe, and now I have five new connections and two meetings from people I know from Twitter. I was even asked if I wanted to be a board member of a local marketing chapter

life begins

This big step moved me closer to feeling safe again. What am I talking about? When I push myself to do one “scary” thing at a time, it stretches my comfort zone a little further.

Life beings when you start to let the “scary” things go…

2 thoughts on “Life Begins When You Let Go

    • LoveRachal says:

      Thank you Anna for commenting! I am encouraged to step out of my comfort zone by those around me who do the same. I hope to be an encouragement for you to find new limits! Keep me posted on your journey. (:

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